
What Remains of Edith Finch

Developer: Annapurna Interactive
Available on: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Play time: 2 hours
TL;DR: Cry Try Buy


Like Gone Home before it, Edith Fitch tells a gripping story that will keep you pushing forward with each new revelation. There’s much more interactivity here than in its more vicarious predecessor though, with each member of the Finch family given a memorably distinct interactivity mechanic. For example, one chapter introduces a character’s growing psychological difficulties by having the player execute a routine set of actions “in real life” while also navigating a maze “in their head”.

Sadly, having ten different ways to interact means a constant learning curve with the controls, which are confusing to begin with. Equally mysterious is the resolution to the narrative, which — while quite fitting and poignant  — is merely hinted at. “Show, don’t tell” is still the golden rule, but there should be at least one aha! moment by game’s end leading to a second playthrough, and not the other way around.

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