
Her Story

Developer: Sam Barlow
Available on: PC, iOS
Play time: 4 hours
TL;DR: Cry Try Buy

At the heart of Her Story is a tale of discovery, but more poignant than uncovering the truth within the plot is realizing the truth about ourselves — the biases we harbor and the conclusions we leap to. Disappointingly (and ironically), the story ultimately mirrors a widely-used trope, which takes away most of the plot twist’s shock value. Still, Her Story is an impressive reminder that while scenic vistas may capture our attention, it’s the characters therein that maintain it.



The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Developer: CD Projekt RED
Available on: PC, Xbox One, PS4
Play time: 150 hours
TL;DR: Cry Try Buy

The worlds that video game characters inhabit are often harsh and unforgiving, and few games come closer in communicating this through gameplay than The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. CD Projekt Red has set the bar high in terms of immersion, with your actions leaving a lasting effect on the plot, your interaction with other characters, and even the landscape.

It’s easy to sympathize with the character of Geralt, a man seeking salvation from the ghosts of his past, when there is no clear right or wrong in the choices you make. Missions often ask you to choose between a rock and a hard place, and even when you think you’ve chosen the least evil, the outcome of your seemingly-benevolent actions isn’t always what you expect. With over a hundred hours of gameplay, you will be haunted by your regrets for quite some time — and likely, long after the game has ended.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Directed by: J. J. Abrams
Starring: John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver
Running time: 135 minutes
TL;DR: Cry Try Buy

The Force Awakens represents not only the continuation of arguably the most influential trilogy in movie history, but also the start of the trilogy for a new generation of viewers. Taken by itself, the film is not the strongest in the series, but it capably fulfills these ‘obligations’ with a well-crafted balance of novelty and fan service.

The film quite literally rewrites history, taking only inspiration from The Universe Formerly Known as Expanded. This allows The Force Awakens to tell a story unconstrained by (most of) the existing lore, and enable the thrill, surprise, and wonder that have long been key draws of this unforgettable series.